About Us

About T.Prabhakar

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Concerns & Achievements

Human Development, Advancement & Empowerment


Sponsors annually Special Coaching Camp for four months duration for about 1000 Boys and Girls, to prepare for the Secondary School Leaving (SSLC) Xth Std Examination from 1986 (for the Last 33 years continuously) – “100 days Jnana Yajna”

Arts & Culture:

Sponsors periodical Awareness Camps, Rallies, Holiday Camps for school children on Heritage and Culture.

Sponsors periodical study Tours, Seminars and Workshops, holiday Camps for School Children and Adolescents, on folk Arts, Sculpture, Paintings, Carvings, Murals and Frescos in an around ancient Temples and Monuments.

Skills Development:

Organizes regularly Trainings Programmes / Refresher Courses to difference Groups in acquiring new skills and updating existing skills in traditional Handicrafts like Bidri, Cane and Bamboo, Toys and Dolls, Embroidery, Artistic Weaving, Zari work, Temple Jewelry, Filigree Work, Gold and Silver Ornamental work, Synthetic Gems-cutting and polishing etc.